Weight management in midlife.

Midlife can be a time when our body shape starts to change. You may have noticed that nowadays more fat tends to accumulate around your tummy area and reducing it is not as easy as it once was - which can be incredibly frustrating!

There are also a number of other factors that can make it hard to lose weight as we reach midlife, including:

  • Declining muscle mass.

    Muscle mass contributes to determining our basal metabolic rate (the energy needed by the body to function at rest), but it naturally declines from our thirties onwards. That’s why it is so important to incorporate regular exercise, including strength-based movements, into your lifestyle.

  • Fatigue and joint pain.

    The increase in tiredness and joint aches and pains we experience in midlife can make us feel a lot less motivated to exercise, and choosing to head to the sofa rather than the gym can become much more frequent. Prioritising ways to rest and relax is as important as exercising. Prepping ahead so you have nourishing meals and snacks to hand can be a helpful strategy if there are times of the day when you know your battery runs low.

  • Sleep deprivation.

    If you’re not sleeping well due to night sweats or frequently find yourself wide awake at 3am, you can wake feeling exhausted before the day has even begun. This can contribute to cravings, particularly for more refined, sugary foods. Opting for blood sugar balancing meals and snacks at these times can help stabilise that rollercoaster feeling of hunger and cravings.

What you can do.

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes and sustainable weight loss in midlife can often take longer than you’d hope. But, by focussing on good nutrition and fuelling your body with the right foods, you can achieve realistic, healthy weight loss.

It’s important to look at the balance and quality of your diet - supporting your gut health, keeping well hydrated, and including complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats wherever possible. And let’s not forget about doing this whilst actually living life, having fun and enjoying all those special moments that we cherish.

It’s also about adopting healthy lifestyle choices, such as exercising more, being generally more active and incorporating time for rest, relaxation and self-care. Now, who would say no to that?

If you’d like to find out how bespoke nutritional guidance can help you achieve sustainable weight loss, book a free 20-minute discovery call here or find out about my consultation services here.